EC: Discussion Thread, Statement 4

Image credit: Sandy Bretz 


  1. What can be done to help the system? What information can we provide to our TODs, RTODs and immediate supervisors that might help bring about change? What solid evidence would support our cause?

  2. UNCʻs DOIT center developed some really good checklists for use by Mainstream Teachers, TODʻs and Educational Interpreters. In the past Iʻve gotten permission to share (within my school) and use these forms in an effort to collect data. With the authorization of our administrator, I shared the data with the educational team and changes were actually made! While the changes wereʻnt exactly what I had envisioned I accepted the fact that since my specialty is educational interpreting and NOT teaching the team probably knew better. In the end, I followed the plan and the educational/social outcomes for our students were improved.


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